All you need to know about Itchy Skin with your pets!
Date Posted:10 December 2019

Skin care in pets can be a confusing topic. If only our pets could talk to us and tell us how they are feeling, where it is itching, what is wrong, how does it feel? Unfortunately that is not possible (much to our dismay). Watching your pet in such an uncomfortable state can make you feel helpless! So we are here to make managing your pets skin as easy and understandable as possible.
So why do our pets get itchy skin?
There are a few reasons that pets can suffer itchy and irratated skin that need to be addressed and looked at before you decide on a skin regime for them.
1. Fleas and Ticks
All pets in Australia should be on a Flea and Tick treatment. If pets are not protected from these little bloodsuckers they can face some pretty harsh consequences. Fleas are teeny tiny insects that feed on your pets blood (Gross. Right?). Fleas can cause severe itching, biting at the skin and restlessness as well as a dermalogical conditon called Flea allergy dermatitis - which becomes an even bigger problem. Finally - Fleas can actually cause transmission of a tapeworm infestation. This can cause your pet even more discomfort which can be seen as scooting their behind, itching their bum and lots of discomfort! So to conclude if your pet is not on flea and tick treatment make sure you get them on some as this could be the reason for their itching.
If your pet is on flea and tick treatment and has been checked all over for fleas and does not have any there are a couple of other reasons your pet could be itching.
2. Food Allergies
You wouldn't really think that food could make your dog itchy right? Well, it really can! We have consolted with many pet parents whose pets are actually suffering allergies to certain foods. Just like people - our pets can have allergies too! If you think your pet might have a food allergy it is best to consult with your vet and rule out which ingridient that this might be - they will usually pop you onto one of our sensitive skin or allergy diets which we stock on our website.
3. Environmental Allergies
Similar to food allergies - pets can be allergic to certain aspects of the environment. Allergies in the environment can include dust, dust mites, mould, pollen, grass and more. To identify this type of allergy it is usually done by a process of elimation like walking your dog in different areas and then checking their skin or symptoms as well as a trip to the vet.
To help with allergies and the prevention of skin irritations a supplementary product like an Omega 3 essentials solution can help to improve the skins barrier and maintain the skins natural defense mechanisms.
4. Dry Skin
A more common reason our pets can have itchy skin can be caused by dry and uncomfortable skin. If you are seeing flakes of dandruff in your pets undercoat there is a good chance they they have dry skin. Dry skin can be caused by a few different things such as:
- What is your pet eating? - Many supermarket brand foods are heavily processed and stripped of the good oils that contribute to healthy skin and a nice coat. The Vet Shed only stocks the highest vet recommended brands of pet foods that contain all of the essential oils and omega 3s to support your pets skin and coat health.
- Are you using a nice Shampoo? If you are using a regular old supermarket shampoo to wash your dog that is also a big no no. This shampoos are not formulated properly for your pets skin and ph levels. This can cause itchiness and irratation in their skin. Make sure if your pet is suffering itchy skin you use a natural shampoo that is not filled with chemicals and fragrances that will just make your pets skin worse. We recommend taking a look at our range of natural and soothing shampoos that will help your pets skin.
To wrap up in order to be sure that your pet isn't suffering with itchy skin we recommend:
1. Ensure that your pet is on Flea and Tick prevention
2. Get your pets off supermarket foods and onto vet recommended diets and then consult your vet about environmental or food allergies.
3. Use a soothing shampoo to nourish the skin
4. If your pet suffers with allergies and skin problems regularly get them on a skin supplement that will aid with ensuring your pet has all of the correct minerals and oils they need for their skin. It will make any pet feel much better.