How to stop dog urine from damaging your grass!
Date Posted:2 August 2019

Having a backyard for your dog to play in is awesome and can provide you and your pets so much fun and enjoyment. However there is one pesky little problem that comes along with this. The burn patches that dogs urine creates on grass. Luckily for you, there is a simple way to fix it!
It is a product called Dog Rocks!
Dog urine causes a burning affect to your lawn as it is rich in Nitrogen, which is known to kill grass when in high concentrations. Dog urine spots can look like this:
(Picture of a lawn burned by dog urine)
Dog Rocks hold special properties that helps your pet fertilise your lawn, not destroy it. All you have to do is simply place a new Dog Rocks into your pets water bowl and fill it with 2 litres of water and your lawns will start to look greener and fresher in no time! They are completely safe.
The high Paramagnetic Values of Dog Rocks when placed in water has an effect neutralising the nitrogen levels of the dog's urine without affecting the pH balance of the water intake of the dog. One bag of Dog Rocks is a two month supply.
Add the rocks to two litres of water to be effective. You can replace the water every day for two months with the satisfaction of knowing the Dog Rocks will be active for the whole period.
(Picture of a lawn using Dog Rocks)
With Dog Rocks your dog is actually saving your lawn!
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