Vet Shed Blog
Blog | The Vet Shed Online Pet Supplies Store Learn new information you may not have known before, the latest news on events and products happening in the pet world, tips and tricks that will improve both you and your pets lives and recommendations and gift guides.
Welcome to The Vet Shed Blog! You have stumbled upon an awesome blog (we think!) curated by our Vets and Vet nurses here at The Vet Shed. Learn new information you may not have known before, the latest news on events and products happening in the pet world, tips and tricks that will improve both you and your pets lives and recommendations and gift guides to help you get the best out of our website!
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Everything You Need to Know About Pet Poisoning: Prevention, Signs, and What to Do!
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 23 March 2025
March is National Pet Poisons Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the dangers that everyday household items, outdoor plants, and more can pose to our beloved pets. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read this blog, because it just might save your pet's life! Why is pet poisoning a concern? Our pets are naturally curious, always sniffing around and getting into things they shouldn't. Unfortunately, this curiosity can sometimes lead to serious consequences if they come into contact with poisonous su...
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Homemade Christmas Dog Treats Recipe! (Peanut Butter Dog Treats)
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 15 October 2024
*Read on mobile for the best experience! ...
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How to Clip your dogs Nails
Author: Kate Date Posted: 11 July 2024
Dogs need to have their nails clipped about every 3 to 4 weeks. Clipping your dogs' nails can seem scary but with a few hints and tricks it really doesn't have to be! Getting your dog used to having its feet handled is the first step. The best time to start is when they are puppies – they will then see it as normal for you to handle their feet and it will be so much easier to trim their nails. If you have an adult dog that has not had its feet handled from the start – start as soon as possible! Give your dog treats while handling their feet to distract them and keep all sessions positive and short. Remember to be patient and calm with your dog...
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Worming Dogs
Author: Tracey Date Posted: 26 June 2024
Things to think about when worming your dog Worming your dog is one of the most important aspects of general dog care. It must be done and be done regularly. It is important that you have a regular worming routine for your dog. All dogs can pick up worms and it is so easy to protect them from these awful parasites. Whilst protecting your dog you are also protecting yourself and other loved ones as we can catch roundworm which are very nasty for humans to get. ...
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What is Hoof Thrush and How Do I Treat It?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 24 June 2024
Don't worry we've got you covered! We have put together some simple ways to treat your horses thrush and to prevent it before it happens again! What is Thrush? Thrush is an infection that causes the destruction of the frog in your horses hoof. This destruction is caused by an anaerobic bacteria and fungi that is not contagious. It causes a thick black, distinct foul-smelling discharge. The infection usually occurs in the grooves on either side of the frog (collateral sulci) and/or the central sulcus ...
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How Can I Tell If My Pet Is Cold?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 16 May 2024
Unfortunately our pets can't talk, which means we need to be more perceptive in picking up on their 'tells'. What are the common health issues with the colder weather? Just like humans the cold can play a detrimental effect on our pets health. Sore and stiff joints are a common condition seen in our pets during the cooler months - this is excacerbated even further in our senior pets. It may take your pet longer than usual to rise after a nap or become a little slower in the winter months. Shop joint ...
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What Coat Should I Buy?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 12 May 2024
Check out our "How to measure a dog coat" Youtube How To's: Ensuring your furry friend stays snug and shielded from the brisk weather is paramount, making a dog coat an invaluable addition to their wardrobe. But when perusing options, don't get...
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What is a Wilkie/ Bevel Bit, and How Does It Work?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 19 March 2024
What is a Wilkie/ Bevel Bit, and How Does It Work? The Bevel bit (also called wikie bits) is a popular type of horse bit that is known for it's versatality and effectiveness! It features a unique design that allows a variety of multiaction training styles through the positioning of the reins - depending on the horse and rider combination. The bit offers a little more control than the original snaffle - encouraging gentle responsive movements, promoting outline, head carriage and responsiveness. This bit works by applying pressure on the horse's tongue and bars, which promotes appropriate carriage and responsiveness. Whether you're an experienced rider&nbs...
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What is a Full Cheek Eggbutt Bit, and How Does It Work?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 19 March 2024
The Full Cheek Eggbutt Bit is designed to be stronger than your average eggbutt whilst also offering lateral control and enougraging your horse to play with the bit! This is a standard bit most often used for younger horses due to the featured lateral control through thr light pressure of the horses cheeks while turning - the full cheek prevents the bit from being pulled through your horses mouth. It also helps your horse to relax with the features SS rollers to enouraging mouthing at the bit while the copper helps your horse to salivate and relax. Reccomended for: Young horses Showjumping ...
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Hot Spots in Dogs - How Do I Treat Them?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 22 January 2024
What are Hot Spots and How Do I Treat Them?! Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are inflamed, infected regions of skin that cause pain and itching in dogs. These patches can arise unexpectedly and are caused by a variety of circumstances, including allergies, insect bites, or underlying skin illnesses. Here are some tips for identifying, treating, and preventing hot spots on dogs: Identification: Red and Moist Skin: Hot spots are often characterized by red, moist, and sometimes oozing lesions on the skin. ...
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Are you ready for this Christmas Season?!
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 16 November 2023
Christmas Essentials For Pets Hello There! Here at The Vet Shed we know that Christmas can be a stressful time for everyone. So we are here to help! Pets are a huge factor to think about when thinking about plans around Christmas time. So we have a checklist to make sure that all of your pets needs are met over the Christmas period! Does your pet have enough food? Take a look at your pets food bag. If it is under half the bag full, it would be best to stock up! You do not want to be stuck with no food for your pets over the holiday period. ...
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Hermit Crab Basics
Author: Kate Date Posted: 8 August 2023
Hermit crabs are fascinating social creatures that can live up to 30 years with basic care and are a captivating addition to your family. They are a terrestrial crab that breathe with gills that are tucked away safely in their shells. Periodically they will outgrow their shells and move into new ones so you can provide new and exciting “outfits” for them. ...
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How To Use Aquarium Salt
Author: Kate Date Posted: 4 August 2023
Aquarium Salt promotes fish health by improving gill function, making it easier for fish to breathe and provides essential electrolytes that fish need to reach peak coloration and vitality. It is also one of the most effective multipurpose aquarium...
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Welcoming your new fish
Author: kate Date Posted: 1 August 2023
Adding new fish to your tank is an exciting time but don’t rush this step! Here are a few tips to give your new fish the best possible start in your tank – ...
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Cycling your new fish tank
Author: kate Date Posted: 1 August 2023
To understand why we need to cycle a fish tank before we add large numbers of fish, you need to understand the nitrogen cycle. Bacteria and plants consume and convert nitrogen compounds from their environment, animals eat the plants and bacteria, and then the plants and bacteria consume the animal’s waste as their food. &nb...
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Setting up your new fish tank
Author: kate Date Posted: 1 August 2023
A recent study shows aquarium therapy (sitting and admiring a fish tank) was found to reduce your heart rate by as much as 3% in just 10 minutes ...
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Why is every horses birthday on the 1st of August?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 30 July 2023
So why do we celebrate all horses birthdays on August 1st? Every horse in the southern hemisphere celebrates their birthday on August 1st. Horses in the northern hemisphere celebrate their birthdays on January 1st. These dates have been chosen to coincide with the beginning of the breeding and foaling seasons. This was originally brought into effect due to the thoroughbred and standardbred racing businesses. Because the racing industry is based on horse age, all horses' birthdays were shifted to August 1st to avoid misunderstanding. Although it began in the racing industry, many, if not nearly all, horse owners have adopted this date as the day th...
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Nexgard - Flea and tick control how it works and its advantages
Author: Tania Date Posted: 22 May 2023
If you have not considered Nexgard for your dog before then read on and find out the benefits of this product. Nexgard is a oral treatment that controls fleas and ticks including paralysis ticks for a full month. It is a tasty beef chew that dogs love. So easy and simple and effective. So how do they do it? Nexgard is manufactured by Boehringer Ingelheim the same company that make ...
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Revolution Plus for cats
Date Posted: 22 May 2023
Revolution Plus for Cats is a great product. Pet owners and their cats have been happily using Revolution for cats for years - but now they have the option of upgrading to Revolution Plus. Revolution Plus is a superior product as it also does ticks and has dual action protection. Buy Revolution Plus What is different between Revolution and Revolution Plus for cats? The difference between Revolution and Revoluion plus for cats is that Revolution for cats only contains the active Selamectin which is a ...
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Paralysis Ticks - What you need to know
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 28 August 2021
Paralysis Ticks in dogs ...
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12 Things You Need to Know about Kidney Disease in Cats
Date Posted: 17 September 2020
It may come as a surprise but kidney in disease in cats is quite common, with 1 in 3 cats suffering from this disease in their lifetime. You might already have a cat that has been diagnosed, or even sadly passed away due to this disease. If you don’t know much about it, but you love having cats as pets then chances are you will probably have to deal with it sometime in the future! There are many different reasons why cats can develop kidney disease, and the symptoms aren’t always obvious, such as subtle weight loss, urinating more, i...
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The Key to Treating Your Dog’s Arthritis
Author: Sophie Date Posted: 8 September 2020
Have you noticed your four-legged friend moving slower? Are they having trouble going up stairs or jumping onto furniture? With 4 out of 5 dogs showing signs of arthritis by age 8, arthritis could be the cause of your pooch’s discomfort. See the risk assessment below to see if your dog is at risk. ...
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Winter Warming Tips for Pets
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 23 June 2020
Whether you love the drop in temperature or dread the chill in the air, it is a good idea to be prepared to keep your pets comfortable in the chilly weather. Depending on where you live in Australia or Worldwide will play a large part on the preparations you need to make for your furry friend. The Vet Shed has prepared some handy information to keep your furry friend as comfortable as possible. SORE JOINTS AND STIFF LIMBS Like humans the cold weather can wreak havoc on you...
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How to travel with your pets!
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 26 February 2020
It is a time when many people go on holidays and set out on road trips and travel to various locations around Australia. If you are taking your pet with you on holidays, it's important to consider a few things before you set off on your journey. 1. Prepare for your trip You will need to research your destination to determine what you will need! If the location is in a tick affected area you will need to ensure your pet is up to date with their parasite protection! ...
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Fleas, Ticks, Worming, Heartworm- Where do you start!
Date Posted: 11 February 2020
There are alot of options when it comes to preventing your pets from harmful parasites - which in alot of ways is awesome but in some ways can make choosing the medication for your pet just that bit harder. With so much choice it can be hard to know which is the best suitable for your dog or cat. Take a read of this blog to find out how you go about it all and choose your preffered method! There are a few different parasites that your dog and cats need to be protected from, they include: Fleas - Fleas are tiny brown insects that burrow into your dog or ...
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How to stop your dog pulling on walks
Date Posted: 6 February 2020
Dogs are strong creatures - especially when they are putting their whole weight against you and pulling on the lead. It can make walking your dog very diffucult which is not what you want. Walking your dog should be relaxing and enjoyable for you and your dog! So here are our top tips to stop your dog pulling while on walks. 1. To start off try rewarding your dog for the positive things Your dog may not understand that pulling is actually such a bad thing - so make sure when your dog is walking next to you and not pulling you reward him/her! Play games with the...
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What to feed your pet bird
Date Posted: 29 January 2020
Just like many other pets foods there are so many varieties when it comes to feeding your birds. If you aren't sure on the best feeding solution for your bird take a read! Many people jump straight into seed diets as they are relatively cheap and it is just what most people think of first when feeding a bird. However, seed diets are pretty much like Mcdonalds to birds. They lack essential nutrients and vitamins that birds kept as pets need to stay healthy and happy. You wouldn't feed yourself Mcdonalds everyday so you shouldn't be doing the same to your bird. If your bird is currently on a seed diet it is a...
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Why does my dog scoot its bottom?
Date Posted: 28 January 2020
If you have seen your dog drag his/her bottom along the ground right in front of you, you may be slightly confused as to what he/she is doing and what it actually means. We are here to help! Scooting almost always means that somthing is irritating your dog. Dogs will try to alleviate this pain by dragging their bottom along grass or carpet. There are a few reasons why your dogs behind may be irratated such as: Anal Sacs ...
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Celebrating Australia Day with your Pets!
Date Posted: 22 January 2020
Australia Day can hold so much fun for you, your family and your pets! It is a day of celebration and gratitude that we live in such a beautiful country. Straya' day is commonly known for a few things - BBQs, being in the water, backyard cricket and family! Here are a few fun ways to include your pets in the celebrations! Backyard Cricket Everyone loves backyard cricket - except when the ball ...
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All you need to know about Itchy Skin with your pets!
Date Posted: 10 December 2019
Skin care in pets can be a confusing topic. If only our pets could talk to us and tell us how they are feeling, where it is itching, what is wrong, how does it feel? Unfortunately that is not possible (much to our dismay). Watching your pet in such an uncomfortable state can make you feel helpless! So we are here to make managing your pets skin as easy and understandable as possible. So why do our pets get itchy skin? There are a few reasons that pets can suffer itchy and irratated skin that need to be addressed and looked at before you decide...
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How to get your pets to take Tablets/Medication
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 18 November 2019
Some pets love taking their medication - they just gobble it straight up! Those are the easy ones.. Us pet parents know that, that is not the case for many pets. Lots of pets refuse to consume their medication - and it can be even harder when there are a few you have to give them at a time! We are here to help. Here are some simple tips to help you make sure your pet has their treatment/medication so they can be protected and feel good! 1. Hide it in their food This tip is very simple! You can crush up the tablet or chew in your pets wet ...
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Why does my bird bite me?
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 16 October 2019
First of all you will need to determine whether your bird is nibbling or 'beaking' you, or is actually aggressivly biting you. They are two very different actions. If a bird is beaking you it means that they are using their beak like a foot or hand - which is to grasp things and maintain their balance. A bird may nibble you as a sign of affection. If your bird is aggressivley biting you, it is commonly due to fear. This may mean that you are moving your hand too close and too quick towards your bird, or this particular bird is untrustful of humans. To combat this problem you will need to take your time with...
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How do I stop my cat scratching my furniture?
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 16 October 2019
If you are experiencing claw marks throughout your house on your furniture - you are not alone. Many people face this problem and just do not how to get their cats to stop! Cats can cause some serious damage to furnuture - their claws are sharp! Like their larger wild counterparts, cats need to keep their claws trimmed and sharpened. As a tiger or a lion in the wild would do this on a tree - unfortunately your cat will do this on your furniture if they do not have an alternative. There is no point trying to stop your cat clawing as it is normal - you need to encourage your cat to scratch on other things lik...
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How to cut your dogs Nails
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 11 October 2019
Cutting your dogs nails doesn't have to be hard! Through these tips and tricks, you will be able to cut your dogs nails in no time so that they are nice and comfortable at all times. If your dogs nails become too long it can cause them to become ingrown, or your their nails can get hooked on furniture, clothes etc, which you do not want. When do I cut my dogs nails? Ideally, the best time to cut your dogs nails is when they start to touch the ground. The time it takes for this to...
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How to celebrate Grand Final day with your pet
Date Posted: 5 September 2019
The biggest games of both AFL and NRL this year are coming up soon! We will all be getting into the footy spirit, and so can our pets. We have some tips and tricks for celebrating with your pets this year so they stay safe and have fun! 1. If having guests over take them for a walk in the morning! This depends on what your dog will be up to during the day. If you know you are having guests over and they may not get all of the attention from you, walking them in the morning and releasing some of their energy is a great idea. ...
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How to celebrate your pets Barkday!
Date Posted: 1 September 2019
Birthdays are important not only for us but for our pets too! Why not spoil your pet on their special day, just like they spoil and love you everyday. Unfortunately pets are not around forever so make sure you cherish the years that you have with them. Here are some things you can do for your pet on their special day. 1. Get them the pawfect present! You know your pet well, so you know what they do and don't like. Get them their favourite treat or a new toy, the possibilities are endless! We have a huge range of dog toys ...
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Meet the Rescue Dog playing the Tramp in the upcoming remake of 'Lady and the Tramp'
Date Posted: 28 August 2019
There is nothing better than hearing these types of stories here at The Vet Shed. Monte who is a 2 year old terrier mix is set to play the Tramp in the upcoming Lady and the Tramp remake film, along side his co star Rose - a Cocker Spaniel. Monte was rescued from Death row by Halo Animal Rescue when he was just 8 months old, and trained him up to be the star he is today. ...
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We are making our Warehouse green.
Date Posted: 28 August 2019
If you have shopped with us before you will know that our packaging does not stand out - it doesnt have funky designs with heaps of colours and writing like some buisnesses may have. It is really luck of the draw what box you will get! We do this for a very important reason, we are keeping our warehouse Environmentally friendly! When paper is disposed of in landfill rather than recycled, it creates methane as it breaks down. Methane is a major greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming with a life span 21 times longer than carbon dioxide (Visy Recy...
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The best names for your pet!
Date Posted: 12 August 2019
Choosing a name for your new family member can be hard. You want it to be a name that suits their little personality and that you and your family love! Even if none of these names suit your new little one we hope you find some inspiration! Little Pets ...
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How to read your cats body language
Date Posted: 6 August 2019
Cats are amazing creatures, with so much to give to you and your family. If you are not used to cats or have just gotten a cat you may not understand their body language. Body language is important to understand so that you can make your cat feel their best at all times. Here are some clues to help you understand what your cat is feeling. Interested When your cat is interested in somthing they may move their head to the side and have their tail sligh...
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Should you let your pet sleep with you?
Date Posted: 5 August 2019
It is a controversial topic. Many people have their pets on their bed every night, others have a pet bed and some sleep outside. So what should you do? It really is up to you, your pets and your lifestyle. Whichever you choose you will need to do this from a young age so they are used having a routine and their own safe spot to sleep in. Benefits of your pet sleeping with you: Many people believe t...
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How to read your dogs body language
Date Posted: 5 August 2019
Dogs communicate in their own special way that is different to how us humans do. It is important for us dog owners to understand what our dog is trying to tell us whether they be happy, sad or even anxious. This can help us make informed decisions on how to make them comfortable and support them. Alert When your dog is alert they will be standing tall with their ears pricked forwards. This can happen when they have&nbs...
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How to stop dog urine from damaging your grass!
Date Posted: 2 August 2019
Having a backyard for your dog to play in is awesome and can provide you and your pets so much fun and enjoyment. However there is one pesky little problem that comes along with this. The burn patches that dogs urine creates on grass. Luckily for you, there is a simple way to fix it! It is a product called Dog Rocks! Dog urine causes a burning affect to your lawn as it is rich in Nitrogen, which is known to kill grass when in high concentrations. Dog urine spot...
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Why do cats purr?
Date Posted: 1 August 2019
When your cat purrs it can be one of the most loving and relaxing feelings you can experience. There is nothing better than a warm cat snuggled next to you purring. But do you know why and when cats really purr? Cats purr in a variety of different situations. Think about it like this - it is the same as human laughter. Some things that you laugh at others may not. It is the same with cats, different stimuli make differernt cats purr. Some of the most common times cats purr are when: As a Kitten - Purring is a way that kittens let their mother...
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Kong Sweet n Savoury Stuffing Recipe
Author: River Date Posted: 1 August 2019
Your dog is sure going to love this recipe provided from a Kong lover - River! The Border Collie. What you will need: 1/2 cup ground turkey 1/2 cup diced apples 1/2 cup died sweet potato 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil 1 tablespoon KONG Easy Treat Liver ...
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Kong Cube Chillers Stuffing Recipe
Author: Chilly Date Posted: 1 August 2019
Barker the Labrador- an avid kong lover has provided us with his favourite Kong stuffing recipe! Your pup is sure to love it. What you will need: 12 small KONG Snacks 1 sliced banana 1/2 cup blueberries 1 cup water KONG Classic How to make it: 1. Place all ingridients into a cube tray ...
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Holiday Gift Guide for Dogs!
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 1 December 2018
Don't forget about your dog this Christmas! Whether you are the person that has all of their Christmas shopping done already or waits till' very last minute, we have some pawesome ideas for your pup this Christmas. 1. A personalised Pet ID Tag Is your pets ID tag getting old and hard to read? With over 150 styles and sizes to choose from, you are bound to find the perfect tag for your dog! They do not only look great but they are vital for your pets safety. Especially around the holiday period! A pet ID tag is the fastest way...
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How to switch from Kitten to Adult food
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 11 November 2018
You got your kitten at the perfect age, made sure everything was set up, he/she had toys, a cosy bed and kitten food ready. But when is it time to switch from kitten food to adult food? We are here to make sure you know the ins and outs of feeding your ever growing kitten! Kittens need a specific diet for their ever changing growing little bodies. In kittens diets they need; more calories, Omega fatty acid DHA for their brain and vision, Vitamins and minerals for the immune system and calcium and phosphorus levels. It is a time of high energy and playfulness so kitten food is full of all of the perfect ingridients to make sure he/she grows into a big,...
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Halloween Safety for your pet
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 24 October 2018
With Halloween almost here, you and your family might be gearing up for the big night. This means spooky decorations, costumes and delicious lollies! However, all of these items can be potentially dangerous for your pets. During the week of Halloween, vet practices and poison help lines have around a 12% increase in calls. Lets reduce the figure this Halloween by making it fun and safe for evey member of your family! ...
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Kitten Proofing Your Home
Author: Brittney Date Posted: 23 October 2018
Cats and especially kittens are known for investigating, hunting,chewing and playing around in all different types of areas, especially their new homes! Kittens are extremley playful and avid explorers however this can pose huge threats to your kitten. This means that you need to be prepared and have your house completley kitten proofed! Heres how 1. Put away any breakable items Playing with your new kitten is great fun! However breakable items can be dangerous to you and your kitten....
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Toilet Training your Kitten
Author: Brittney Date Posted: 23 October 2018
Unfortunatley kittens do not come into this world knowing how to use a litter box. Bringing your kitten home not only means playtime and relaxation but it also means teaching your kitten some valuable lessons; one being - litter training! Every kitten learns at different paces so it is important to be...
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The importance of play for your kitten
Author: Brittney Date Posted: 23 October 2018
A kitten is not considered a cat until they are 7 months old, during this time they are essentially learning the ropes of being a cat. This includes the n...
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Grooming your Cat
Author: Brittney Date Posted: 23 October 2018
Grooming your cat or your kitten isn't only to make them look and feel good it is also to make sure they are healthy and feel good on the inside. The bene...
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Puppy Proofing your home
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 13 August 2018
Bringing a puppy home is a lot like bringing a toddler home (except for the sharp teeth!) They will get into everything - it is natural behaviour to be curious and adventurous - so you’ll need to provide a safe environment for them to play. ...
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12 New Puppy Essentials
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 13 August 2018
Your new furry family member has a few needs and wants that you need to care of: ...
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Choosing the right diet for your puppy
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 13 August 2018
Newborn puppies receive nutrition entirely from their mother’s milk until they are around 4 weeks old. After this, solid food is gradually added to their diet until they are fully weaned at about 6-8 weeks. A puppy’s nutritional requirements are more demanding than those of an adult dog; within the first few weeks of life, a puppy’s body w...
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Simparica - Flea, tick, mange and mite control for dogs. Why it is so good.
Date Posted: 19 March 2018
Simparica is simple parasite protection . Simparica has broader external parasite control than any other chew on the market, protecting dogs against fleas, ticks, mange and mites. Simparica is a tasty Liver flavoured chew that you give to your dog once a month. You can give it at any time of the day and you can give it with or without food. After you give your dog his Simparica chew the ingredient sarolaner travels in your dog's blood and quickly reaches tissue fluids just under your d...
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Summer Safety for your Pets
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 19 January 2018
SUN SAFETY AND PETS Living in Australia, we all know the importance of protecting ourselves from the sun’s harmful rays. But did you know that it is just as important to protect our pets? Slip, slop, slap isn’t just for humans it’s also a message we should keep in mind for our four-legged friends. They may be covered in fur, but the sun can do some serious damage to dogs if they’re not properly protected in the heat of summer....
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How to Enrich your dog's life
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 17 February 2017
ENRICHMENT FOR DOGS – KEEPING YOUR CANINE COMPANION HAPPY Boredom and excessiv e energy are two common reasons for behaviour problems in dogs. This makes sense because they are meant to lead active lives. As pet owners we sometimes forget that our dogs were originally bred for specific tasks. Although we may no longer use them for those tasks, our dogs still want a job to do. If you think about it – if you were left along for that amount of time with nothing to do, wouldn’t you become bored without any mental stimulation? In my discussion with Dr. Gaille Perry, a le...
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Enriching the Life of your Pet Bird
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 13 February 2017
Enrichment means anything that makes something else better. To narrow this down, enrichment for our companion parrots can be anything offered to a pet bird that in some way enhances the quality of life in direct correlation to the animal’s roots in the natural world. Parrots are very intelligent animals and require a mentally, emotionally and physically stimulating environment. ...
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Housetraining your Puppy
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 8 February 2017
HOUSETRAINING YOUR PUPPY Housetraining your puppy is all about consistency, patience, committment and positive reinforcement. If you instill good habits while your pup is young it will create a dog that is housetrained, and one that you will have a great bond with. TIPS FOR HOUSETRAINING ...
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Car Safety for Pets
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 6 February 2017
Car Safety and Pets - Do you know the rules? Did you realise that you can be fined $425 and lose 3 demerit points for not restraining your pet in the car? All...
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Keeping Your Pet's Coat Glossy
Author: Date Posted: 5 December 2016
Skin and coat care for your pet We all know the feeling: walking out from the spa or hairdresser's, we feel relaxed, rejuventated, and happy. It goes without saying, then, that our dogs and cats, covered head-to-toe in hair, feel exactly the same way. It's vital to keep our cats' and dogs' pelts in great shape, for their physical and emotional wellbeing. But how best to go about it? ...
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Solving the Flea Problem
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 28 November 2016
Flea problems in dogs Fleas are pesky little parasites that cause stress for pets and their owners, but the good thing is they can be stopped. You do not have to put up with these on your pet or in your environment. We have the knowledge and the products to get rid of your fleas and how to help you keep them away. There are over 2000 species of fleas worldwide but the most common flea found on your pets is the 'Cat' Flea (Cte...
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Travelling with your pet - Great tips to prepare your pet for travel
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 6 November 2016
PREPARING YOUR PET FOR TRAVEL Summer is here and it's a time when many people go on holidays and set out on road trips and travel to various locations around Australia. If you are taking your pet with you on holidays, it's important to consider a few things before you set off on your journey. RESEARCH YOUR DESTINATION ...
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Travel Essentials - Great Products to make your trip stress free
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 6 November 2016
TRAVEL ESSENTIALS FOR YOU AND YOUR DOG Whether you are taking your dog on holidays, a run at the beach or lake, or just to the local park then we have some great products to make your journey easier, cleaner and more stylish! OUT AND ABOUT WITH YOUR DOG Australians love to take their...
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Dental Care for your Pet
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 1 August 2016
DENTAL CARE FOR YOUR DOG AND CAT Dental disease (Periodontal disease) is the most common disease in dogs and cats and according to statistics from the Australian and American Dental Societies. Did you know 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show signs of dental disease by 3 years of age! ? ...
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Dental Care for Guinea Pigs
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 1 August 2016
Good Teeth are essential to a healthy Guinea Pig. A nutritious, fibrous diet with the essential nutrients will help keep their teeth strong and healthy. Guinea Pigs have teeth that grow continuously. Teeth in a healthy Guinea Pig are worn down naturally by the chewing and ingestion of rough plant materials. ...
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Inappropriate Elimination in Cats
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 10 June 2016
How to manage can urine ordour Inappropriate elimination in cats can be a frustrating and smelly issue for cat owners. Why is my cat not using the litter tray? Cats are very clean animals, so if this is occurring in your house, it is wise to find out what is causing this to occur. MEDICAL CONDITION Certain medical conditions can increase ...
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Lily Toxicity
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 23 March 2016
LILY FLOWER TOXICITY IN CATS Lilies (of the genera Lilium and Hemerocallis) are commonly used in many flower arrangements as they are a beautiful decorative flower. However did you know that these are extremely toxic to cats? Lilies can cause kidney (renal) failure and can be fatal in cats. ...
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Bird Health, Hygiene & Safety
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 10 January 2016
HEALTH & PET BIRDS Displaying any signs of illness is not beneficial to any bird. Instinctually it is important for a bird to hide any signs of illness in the wild. This has also transferred over into our companion birds. Many owners do not realise how sick their bird is until their illness can no longer be hidden. When this happens it means your bird has probably been sick for some time. ...
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Author: Amanda Date Posted: 25 November 2015
Comfortis is a once a month chewable tablet for dogs and cats to rapidly kills fleas and prevent and control flea infestations. Comfortis also helps control flea allergy dermatitis in dogs and cats. The active ingredient in Comfortis is Spinosad. It belongs to a class of antiparasitics known as spinosyns, which are derived from a naturally-occurring soil microbe. It works by attacking the nervous system of insects, causing rapid death of adult fleas. Comfortis is recommended in use in dogs and cats over 14 weeks of age or older. It should always be ...
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Thunderstorms, Fireworks and Pets
Author: Amanda Date Posted: 30 October 2015
PETS, THUNDERSTORMS & FIREWORKS With summer fast approaching, this means the start of the storm season in Australia. The loud sounds of thunder and lightening cracks can be sounds that cause extreme anxiety and stress in many dogs, cats and small animals. Dogs and cats’ sense of smell and hearing is so much more sensitive to ours it is no wonder the sound of heavy booms and claps can be terrifying for them. ...
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Bravecto Flea and Tick control for dogs
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 14 April 2015
Bravecto Flea Treatment for Dogs Bravecto has arrived. Bravecto is the first product to be able to control fleas for 3 months and paralysis ticks for 4 months. Bravecto is new to Australia however has been available in the USA and the UK for some time. They do have different ticks to us so Bravecto had to undergo alot of new testing before its release here in Australia. Bravecto has been tested and can safely be used in breeding dogs including dogs that are lactating and pregnant. It is safe to use on puppies from 8 weeks. They do however need to be a minimum of 2kg bodyweight.&nb...
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Stomach Worms
Author: Novartis Animal Health Date Posted: 29 January 2014
Stomach Worms in Dogs Have you ever wondered why your vet wants to check your dogs stool sample? More often than not, it is to detect the presence and diagnosis of worms. Worms are one of the most common problems in dogs. They can live anywhere in the body, though they prefer the lining of the intestine as it is an ideal place to breed. Intestinal worms can cause many problems for your dog, including abdominal pain, diarrhoea, bloody stools, tiredness/lack of energy, poor growth and weight loss. ...
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Equestrian NSW Hendra Vaccination Policy announced
Author: Equestrian NSW Date Posted: 30 July 2013
Hendra Vacination Policy announced Hendra Vacination Policy from ENSW Tuesday, 30 July 2013 Equestrian NSW today announced its policy regarding the Hendra Virus vaccination and requirements for all horses entering EA/FEI events in NSW where any horses stay overnight at the event venue i.e. Hendra Vaccinated Events (HVEs), to be vaccinated against Hendra Virus as of 1st January, 2014. ENSW is currently in talks with Zoetis, the producer of the Hendra vaccine, to offer the vaccine plus a free follow up shot for EA registered horses only. As part of this initiative, ENSW will also offer a 50% reduction on the cost of online base horse registrat...
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Vet Shed Blog
Welcome to The Vet Shed Blog! You have stumbled upon an awesome blog (we think!) curated by our Vets and Vet nurses here at The Vet Shed. Learn new information you may not have known before, the latest news on events and products happening in the pet world, tips and tricks that will improve both you and your pets lives and recommendations and gift guides to help you get the best out of our website! ...
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How to enrich your cat's life
Author: Amanda
ENRICHMENT FOR CATS – KEEPING YOUR FELINE FRIEND HAPPY While cats confined to an indoor environment generally live longer and are at less risk of contracting infectious diseases or injury due to trauma, they are at greater risk for a variety of behavioural problems. These problems include urinating and defecating outside the litter box, anxiety, attention seeking, inter-cat aggression, boredom-related and stress-relieving behaviours such as over-grooming, chewing inappropriate ...
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Advantix For Dogs
Author: Vet Shed Team
Advantix flea treatment for dogs Advantix is made by Bayer Animal Health. A trusted company for making animal products, including flea treatments for dogs. Advantix is a topical ectoparasiticide that is used to protect dogs against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and other parasites. More specifically in Australia, it is used i...
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Chocolate Toxicity
CHOCOLATE TOXICITY IN DOGS With E aster just around the corner many of us indulge in chocolate, probably more so than any other time of year. Although it may be tempti ng to share this delicious treat with your pet, it’s important to be aware of the dangers of chocolate to do...
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Pet ID tags save lives
Author: Pet Welfare Foundation
Having a Pet ID tag could save your dogs life Pets go missing far more often than most people think. Studies show that over a five-year period, as many as 10-15% of owners go through the heartbreak of losing their pet. When Sarah’s beloved cat Merlin went missing, she knew his life was in danger – and that she just had days to find him.Sarah loved Merlin dearly – they had been together for nearly 15 years. Merlin was elderly and on medication, so when he went missing, Sara...
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Oravet Dental Chews for dogs
Author: The Vet Shed
We hear all the time that plaque and tartar gives bad bread and leads to gum disease and tooth loss. That is why we are advised to brush our teeth twice a day, mouth wash and floss. But what about our dogs? We know that they get the same condition but sometimes brushing their teeth just isnt practical. That is where Oravet comes in. Oravet is the new leader is canine dental health chews . Most dental chews rely on the mechancial action of the dog chewing to scrub the teeth. Oravet is different, it is a dual action d...
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Socialising your new puppy
Socialisation is the process of developing relationships with other living beings, people and animals. Puppies have a 'critical ...
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Top 5 Best Selling Dog Products of 2018
1. Nexgard Spectra With Nexgard Spectra, your dog will receive the most complete parasite protection that’s available in just one chew. Fleas, Ticks, Heartworm and Worm control all combined into one tasty beef flavoured monthly chew that dogs love. No other product covers as many parasites as Nextgard Spectra. BUY NOW ...
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Top 5 Best Selling Cat Products 2018
1.Advocate Feline Advocate covers more aspects of parasite control than any other product. On cats monthly application kills fleas, prevents heartworm, hookworm, roundworm, and controls lice and ear mites. Use on kittens from 9 weeks. SHOP NOW ...
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Top 5 best selling Bird products
1) Oxymav B Oxymav B is a broad spectrum antibiotic against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative bacterian. Shop Now 2 ) Avitrol...
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Everything you need to know about clipping/grooming your pet!
Choosing a set of clippers can seem daunting when you are choosing to buy a new pair. Corded, Cordless, 1 Speed, 2 Speed, Low Vibration or Quiet! Then there is the question of what size blade? Read on as we have all the information for you to choose the clipper best suited to you and will give your dog the cut you are after. Be mindful that cheap doesn't always mean the best option, however not everyone has the same grooming needs . Do you have only one dog at home you groom occassionally, multiple dogs with different coat types or a dog you groom on a regular basis? Is your dog sensitive to loud noises, and do you have access...
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What is 4Cyte for dogs and how does it work?
Author: The Vet Shed
There are so many dogs using 4 cyte and Vets recommending it - but what is 4cyte and how does it work? 4cyte is a supplement for dogs that needs to be given daily mixed in with food. Dogs like the taste of it and it is such a small amount they need to have that there is no need to be concerned that your dog wont eat it. 4cyte is safe for long term usage. The ingrediants of 4cyte are different to other joint supplements on the market. It contains green lipped mussel, marine cartilage, abalone and Epiitalis. 4cyte is currently the only joint supplement to contain Epiitalis which is a plant s...
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National Holidays
Shop our holiday range for your pets perfect present for: Christmas Easter St Patricks Day Birthday's New Years ...
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Choosing a Pet Harness - Which is the best fit for your pet?
Author: Alicia
Choosing the correct dog harness is critical for your pet's comfort and safety, especially if your dog pulls on the leash. Harnesses come in a variety of styles, each built for a specific function. Here are some important factors to consider while choosing a dog harness: 1. Type of Harness: Back-Clip Harness: The leash attachment is located on the rear of the harness. This style is best suited to well-behaved dogs who do not pull excessively. - Read more on how to stop your pup pulling on walks HERE ! ...
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Retractable Dog Leads - are they worth it?
Author: Alicia
Retractable dog leads, also known as retractable leashes or flexi-leashes, are a popular option for dog owners who wish to allow their pets greater flexibility while walking their dogs. The leash has a reel mechanism that allows it to stretch and retract as the dog moves. Advantages : Variable Length: Retractable leads allow you to vary the length of the leash, allowing you to give your dog more freedom to explore while yet keeping them near when needed. Control: Being able to lock and unlock the leash offers for rapid control in circumstances when you need to keep your dog close, such as in crowded locations or near traf...
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How to clip your cat
Remember that not all cats tolerate grooming with clippers, so it's essential to be patient and gentle. If your cat is particularly anxious or resistant, you may want to consider seeking the help of a professional groomer or consulting with your veterinarian for advice. Additionally, regular brushing can help prevent matting and reduce the need for extensive clipping. Here are some key points to keep in mind when choosing and using cat hair clippers: Silent operation: Because cats might be sensitive to loud noises, search for clippers that operate softly to keep your cat calm when grooming. Corded vs. cordles...
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How often should I brush my dog?
Author: The Vet Shed
We are often asked how often do I need to brush my dog and the answer is not the same for every dog We all want our dogs to look good, feel good and smell good. They rely on you for grooming to achieve all these 3 things. We are so lucky to have so many wonderful breeds of dogs. Depending on which one you choose to have as part of your family will determine your grooming routine. If your furry family member has a long or curly coat then you are going to be brush...
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Wind sucking
Author: The Vet Shed
We often here that a horse is a wind sucker. This is quite common however it is a behaviour that can cause many complications and needs to be managed and hopefully stopped. Wind sucking, also known as cribbing, is a behaviour in horses where they grasp a solid object with their teeth, arch their neck, and swallow air. While occasional cribbing may not pose significant harm, chronic or excessive cribbing can have serious consequences for a horse's health, behaviour, and quality of life. Some of the common issues seen by wind suckers are ...
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What is Thrush and how do I treat it?
Author: The Vet Shed
Don't worry we've got you covered! We have put together some simple ways to treat your horses thrush and to prevent it before it happens again! What is Thrush? Thrush is an infection that causes the destruction of the frog in your horses hoof. This destruction is caused by an anaerobic bacteria and fungi that is not contagious. It causes a thick black, distinct foul-smelling discharge. The infection usually occurs in the grooves on either side of the frog (collateral sulci) and/or the...
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What is greasy heal and how do I treat it?
Author: The Vet Shed
What is Greasy Heel? Greasy Heel, also known as pastern dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition that affects the lower limbs of horses, particularly where the skin is not pigmented. It manifests as scaling, crusting, erosion, and exudation, and can be triggered by various skin conditions. Common culprits include fungi, bacteria, and mites, especially in horses with feathering at their fetlocks. How does it occur? Several environmental factors can make horses more susceptible to Greasy Heel. Horses with white limbs and feathering at the fetlocks are particularly at risk. Conditions that promote Greasy Heel include: ...
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How do I stop my Dog Barking
Author: The Vet Shed
Barking can be frustrating especially if the neighbourhood is now on your case to sort it out. Don't panic there are several ways to correct nuisance barking. To start with we need to work out why your dog barks and using consistent, positive reinforcement techniques. Here’s a step-by-step approach to help you manage and reduce excessive barking: 1. Identify the Cause Attention Seeking : Your dog might bark to get attention or to play. Boredom : Dogs left alone or lacking stimulation may bark out of boredom. Alerting : Dogs may bark to alert...
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Arthritis and joint care in dogs
Author: Vet Shed nurse team
Arthritis and Joint Care for Dogs As dogs age or experience physical stress, joint issues such as arthritis can become a serious concern. Just like humans, dogs can develop arthritis, which is a painful and degenerative condition affecting their joints. It can lead to discomfort, reduced mobility, and a lower quality of life for your furry companion. Fortunately, there are ways to help manage and alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, allowing your dog to live a happy, active life. In this blog, we’ll explore what arthritis is, its signs in dogs,...
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Grooming Tricks & Tips
Author: The Vet Shed Date Posted: 21 October 2022
1. Regularly brush your pets coat! No matter what breed or kind of coat your pet has, frequent brushing is necessary to maintain a sleek, healthy, and glossy coat. The length and texture of your pet's coat will frequently determine how often you should brush them. Having their hair heavily matted might hurt the longer-haired animals. When irritated, they frequently lick or bite themselves, which can lead to skin diseases. ...
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Basic care for your horse
Date Posted: 9 August 2019
There are so many elements to caring for a horse. They are complex, high maintenance animals that need alot of care and looking after. In saying that, all of the work pays off. Owning a horse can provide you with incredible joy, laughter and happiness. If you are looking at bringing a new horse home there are some things you will need to know. At the very minimum a horse will need: A large grassy paddock with secure fencing. Large trees or a shelter to stand under when it is raining ...
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Who doesn't love puppies! Puppies need alot of love and care as they are growing up. As their new mum or dad it is your responsibility to teach them right from wrong and everything they need to know, and we are here to help! Take a read of these blogs before, or while you have your puppy to ensure you know everything about your new furry friend! ...
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Horse Worming Guide
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 19 July 2023
We've Created A Guid To Help You Worm Your Horse Worms are a cause of disease in horses that can cause; colic, diarrhoea, weight loss and in some circumstances it can be fatal. Worming is something we all should be doing as horse owners but knowing how often and why is sometimes not as well known. What Is Rotational Worming Rotational Worming is the process...
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You have welcomed a new little kitten into your family! Congratulations. Kittens provide so much joy from when they are a baby until they are full grown cats. Kittens have specific needs that need to be fufilled to ensure that they are living the best life possible. Take a look at our blogs to learn more about their needs, helpful tips and products that they will love! ...
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How to get your horse to drink on a long trip
Date Posted: 29 January 2020
Travelling with horses can be a big job - you have to be responsible for your horses safety and wellbeing at all times. This can be very difficult if your horse does not want to drink when getting off the float on a rest stop. Horses can become very dehydrated during long trips due to things like; Stress No access to water High temperatures inside the float/truck Poor ventilation ...
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Cats are one of the most amazing pets you can have. They all have different personalities and character traits which makes them so awesome to have as pets. By visiting this blog page you can learn helpful tips for you and your cats, new information and products that your cat will love. ...
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How to tell if your horse is Dehydrated
Author: Kentucky Equine Research
DEHYDRATION IN HORSES When a horse’s body possesses insufficient fluids to function optimally, the condition is described as dehydration. Fluids are lost through sweating, drooling, respiration, normal excretion of urine and manure. Horses can become dehydrated because of inadequate fluid replacement following losses through sweating, drooling, respiration or strenuous diarrhea. Dehydration in horses is a serious emergency that can lead to kidney failure if not attended to quickly. Evaluation of dehydration is a subjective exercise...
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Birds are such unique animals and they make amazing pets. As a bird owner you know how cool they really can be! Take a read of our blog posts to learn more information about birds that you may not already know, find helpful tips and tricks for you and your bird aswell as some products that you and your bird will love! ...
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Is your horse riding helmet compliant with new Australian Standards?
Author: Tania
If you are feeling confused about the new rules about horse riding helmets then you are not alone. From January 2017 Pony Club Australia and EA Equestrian Australia have new standards on which horse riding helmets you can wear at any Pony Club or EA event. This will be enforced at all events. You will not get away with wearing a non compliant helmet. ...
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Lyssavirus a worry for vets and horse owners
Author: Pet industry news Date Posted: 6 June 2013
Australian bat lyssavirus a worry for vets and horse owners Confirmation of a horse with Australian bat lyssavirus could increase the risk to Australian vets and horse owners, says the Australian Veterinary Association. “This is the first time we have seen this virus in a horse, so there are a lot of unknowns at this point,” said AVA spokesperson Dr Chris Reardon. “In the past, people have become infected with the deadly lyssavirus by being scratched or bitten by a flying fox or micro-bat, and we don’t know whether a horse could i...
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Horses are our big loving gentle giants. They give so much love and enrich our lives in so many ways. We know you want the best for your horse, and so do we. The expert vets and vet nurses here at the vet shed have written a number of blogs so you can learn helpful information, as well as tips and tricks and products that will benefit you and your horse. Take a look! ...
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General Information
Everything regarding your pets! For information on upcoming and recent news, tips and tricks as well as products your pets may love take a look through this blog section! ...
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What is 4Cyte for horses & how does it work?
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 20 June 2023
Shop Our 4Cyte Equine Range HERE ...
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Small Animals
Whether you have guinea pigs, rabbits, ferrets or any other little animal! We have loads of information that will be so helpful in looking after and enriching your small animals life. Take a look at these blog posts! ...
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Top 10 Tips to help your dog get their best nights sleep
Author: Alicia Date Posted: 19 April 2023
A good night's sleep is important for your dogs health and wellbeing! We have made an easy 'Top 10 Tips' to ensure your pup is getting their best sleep. Dogs can sleep from anywhere from 12 to 18 hours per day. Many factors may cause this amount to change such as: Older dogs - They often sleep more as they tend to tire out easily. Puppies - Are very active and energetic creatures but they burn out quickly and require many nap times to keep up day to day. They also use alot of energy towards growing. Here are our Top 10 Tips to help your dog get their best nights sleep! 1. Cre...
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