Bird Feeding and Watering Products

Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 300Ml
36% OFF RRP $7.99
Jw Insight Clean Cup Feed And Water Small 10Cm
36% OFF RRP $14.99
Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 900Ml
36% OFF RRP $12.99
Jw Insight Clean Water Tall Silo Waterer 26Cm
36% OFF RRP $17.99
Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 150Ml
36% OFF RRP $5.99
Birdie Deluxe Bird Play Pen with Feeders Large 41x38x50cm
On Sale 28% OFF RRP $76.00
Birdie Deluxe Bird Play Pen with Feeders Medium 40x30x35cm
On Sale 28% OFF RRP $59.69
Featherland Paradise Foraging 4 Corners Cage Mount 21.5Cm
36% OFF RRP $69.99
Featherland Paradise Foraging Ball With Bell 12Cm Dia
36% OFF RRP $36.99
Featherland Paradise Foraging Party Ball Bird Toy 12Cm
36% OFF RRP $29.99
Featherland Paradise Foraging Party Ball Bird Toy 7.5Cm
36% OFF RRP $23.99
Featherland Paradise Foraging Windmill Treat Holder 11X12.5X22.5Cm
36% OFF RRP $69.99
Featherland Paradise Generation II Foraging Wheel 15.2Cm
36% OFF RRP $79.99
Featherland Paradise Paradise Hide N Seek 22.5X10Cm
36% OFF RRP $46.99

Bird Feeding:

  1. Choose the Right Feeders:

    • Pick bird feeders that are sturdy and easy for birds to perch on, like tube or platform feeders.
    • Different birds like different kinds of food, so use a mix of seeds like sunflower seeds, millet, and others.
  2. Select Good Bird Seed:

    • Use quality bird seed with lots of real seeds and not too many fillers.
    • Keep the feeders clean and refill them often to make sure the birds always have fresh food.
  3. Provide Water:

    • Birds need water to drink and bathe, so having a bird bath is great.
    • Change the water in the bird bath regularly to keep it clean.
  4. Choose a Good Spot:

    • Put the bird feeders in an open spot where birds can easily find them.
    • If possible, place the feeders near trees or bushes to give birds a safe place to go.

Bird Watering:

  1. Pick the Right Bird Bath:

    • Get a bird bath that is not too deep and has a rough bottom for birds to stand on.
    • Clean the bird bath often with a brush to keep it fresh.
  2. Keep it Clean:

    • Clean the bird bath regularly to stop algae from growing and to keep birds healthy.
    • Put the bird bath in the shade to keep the water cool in the summer.
  3. Put it in the Right Place:

    • Put the bird bath where birds can easily reach it.
    • Check the water levels every day, especially when it's hot.
  4. Winter Water:

    • In cold places, use a heated bird bath in the winter so birds can still drink water when it's cold.

By following these simple tips, you can make your backyard a friendly place for birds and enjoy watching them up close.