How Can I Tell If My Pet Is Cold?

Author: Alicia   Date Posted:16 May 2024 

Unfortunately our pets can't talk, which means we need to be more perceptive in picking up on their 'tells'. 

What are the common health issues with the colder weather? 

Just like humans the cold can play a detrimental effect on our pets health. Sore and stiff joints are a common condition seen in our pets during the cooler months - this is excacerbated even further in our senior pets. It may take your pet longer than usual to rise after a nap or become a little slower in the winter months. Shop joint care products 

Dry skin is also a factor that impacts pets during the cooler weather. Dry or flaky skin is commonly seen in pets during these months.Using a hairdryer after a bath or sitting inside with the heater is often the leading cause of this.  Shop sensitive skin shampoos 

So, what are the common signs that your pet is feeling cold?

Like humans the most common sign of your pet being cold is shivering, trembling, and remaining around warmer spaces. Dogs and cats often curl up in a tight 'ball' when cold, this is to preserve as much body heat as possible. A general rule is if you are feeling cold, often your pet is too! 

Small animals show the same signs of trembiling and shaking when cold. They often can be seen hiding or burrowing away when cold to preserve heat. 

An easy way to be certain if your pet is feeling chilly is to check if their paws and ears are cold. If they are cold to the touch it's a sign that they are feeling the winter chill and you may need to provide them with an extra blanket, coat, or move them to a warmer space. 

Prolonged exposure to the cold can cause detrimental effects such as:

  • Hypothernia 
  • Difficulty walking 
  • Confusion 
  • Pale gums 

So, what are the best ways to protect your pet from the cold?

  • Keep your pet indoors
  • Provide a warm, soft beds Shop Bedding
  • Consider warm coats for senior, small, or thinly-coated pets Shop Coats
  • Move your guinea pig's hutch indoors
  • Supply extra straw and hay for small pets to burrow and hide Shop Bedding
  • Ensure bedding stays dry
  • Use a loose blanket for warmth, allowing freedom of movement  Shop Blankets
  • Walk your furry friend during daylight hours when it's warmer






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