Shop Bird Waterers

Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 300Ml
36% OFF RRP $7.99
Jw Insight Clean Cup Feed And Water Small 10Cm
36% OFF RRP $14.99
Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 150Ml
36% OFF RRP $5.99
Jw Insight Clean Cup Feed And Water Medium 15Cm
36% OFF RRP $23.99
Jw Insight Clean Water Silo Waterer 18Cm
36% OFF RRP $15.99
Jw Insight Clean Water Tall Silo Waterer 26Cm
36% OFF RRP $17.99
Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 600Ml
36% OFF RRP $10.99
Zeez Ss Coop Cup W/Holder 900Ml
36% OFF RRP $12.99

Watering Stations for Birds:

  1. Pick the Right Holder:

    • Choose containers made of safe stuff like plastic, ceramic, or stainless steel.
    • Make sure they're easy to clean to keep the birds healthy.
  2. Size and How Deep:

    • Use containers that match the size of the birds you're after.
    • Shallow containers are best for water, so birds can have a drink and a dip without any hassle.
  3. Where to Stick Them:

    • Place the watering stations where birds can easily reach them.
    • If you can, put them close to trees or bushes to make birds feel comfy.
  4. Keep 'Em Tidy:

    • Clean the containers often to stop dirt and germs from hanging around.
    • A bit of mild soap and a good rinse will do the trick.
  5. More Than One Water Spot:

    • If you've got the room, set up a few watering stations with different depths to attract different birds.
    • It's smart to have separate spots for food and water.
  6. Sun and Shade Mix:

    • Put the waterers where they get some sun and shade to keep the water at a comfy temperature.
  7. Winter Check:

    • In chilly weather, make sure the water isn't freezing. You might need heated waterers or change the water often.
  8. Enjoy Watching Birds:

    • Put the watering stations where you can watch the birds without bothering them.

By setting up these watering stations, you're giving birds a cool spot to grab a drink and have a bit of fun. Enjoy keeping an eye on our feathered friends!